Home Canada 150 photo Canada 150 photo: Ice canoeing in Montreal

Canada 150 photo: Ice canoeing in Montreal

by Laura Byrne Paquet

Ice canoeing near Habitat in Montreal.Yes, I know it’s the height of sweltering summer at the minute. But what would a series of photos celebrating Canada be without a few winter photos? And what better place to capture a winter photo than in Montreal?

And, yes, I know the title of this post is a bit of a misnomer. There is no ice in this shot. We did paddle through a bit of ice on this trip in December 2016, but nothing like the thick, chunky slabs these sturdy canoes are designed for, as the weather hadn’t been sufficiently cold yet. That was fine by me; I’m not the strongest paddler in the world and I’m not hugely fond of sub-zero temperatures. We were able to get this cool photo in front of the Habitat complex from Expo ’67 with much less suffering than a paddle in -30C weather would have required.

Curious about ice canoeing? You can watch the real pros compete in February 2018 in the Montreal Ice Canoe Challenge.

Throughout July and August 2017, I’ll be posting one photo a day that I’ve taken somewhere across Canada, in celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary. Want to see more photos in this series? Click the “Canada 150 photo” text in bold near the top of this post.

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