Home Art and culture A dozen Christmas-season artsy events in the Ottawa Valley and beyond

A dozen Christmas-season artsy events in the Ottawa Valley and beyond

by Katharine Fletcher

“I just thought it’d be a terrific idea to invite some of my artist friends to gather and have an artsy exhibition before Christmas,” says Jelly Massee. “I’m calling it Jelly & Friends. It’s a pop-up show to celebrate my new move to L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet in the Pontiac.”

And there you have it! Massee is well known in the Ottawa Valley, particularly for her acrylic paintings, which reflect the rich history of our area. Even the surfaces upon which she paints can be part-and-parcel of our heritage: she’s been known to paint on a circular saw blade once used by sawmills here. And, of course, she paints on canvas, too. One of my favourites is her depiction of the discovery of explorer Samuel de Champlain’s astrolabe in 1867 in a farmer’s field near Cobden.

Jelly Massee's painting chronicles the discovery of Champlain's astrolabe. Photo by Jelly Massee.

Jelly Massee’s painting chronicles the discovery of Champlain’s astrolabe. Photo by Jelly Massee.

On a recent visit, as we gazed at that painting, she laughed. “Do you see anything familiar about the chap in the back, plowing with the team of oxen?” When I shook my head, she pointed at her partner, Brian Demers. “It’s him! You have no idea how many times he’s my model!

“I was going to paint a team of horses pulling that plow,” she continued, “but in doing research for my work, I realized that it was oxen who were usually employed. They’re so strong.”

The astrolabe, in case you’re wondering, was lost by Champlain in May 1613. According to the Canadian Museum of History’s Treasures Gallery website, “[T]he astrolabe remained where it had fallen for 254 years. Eventually a 14-year-old farm boy named Edward Lee found it in 1867 while helping his father clear trees by Green Lake.”

Says Massee, “Although I do love my historical works, I’m now exploring other mediums. Right now, I’m particularly excited about coloured pencils and have been creating many such new works for our show. And I thought it would be lovely to include some of my artist friends in the show: I selected unique genres and the artists, I believe, are all masters in their field of work.”

NOTE: For more information on each of the shows below, click on the title of the show in the heading.

Jelly Massee & Friends Art Show

Date: Saturday, November 17
Time: 10am to 4pm
Where: L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet Town Hall, 8 Monseigneur Mattel, L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet, Quebec
Note: Can’t find it? The hall is located behind the Post Office, which is at 200 Chemin des Outaouais, L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet.

Of course, there are many, many other art shows happening Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais. Here’s a small sampling. As usual, please let me know if there are other stellar art shows that have eluded my notice! (Also, if you enjoy craft shows, here’s a list of more than 140 of them across our region.)

Other Quebec artsy events

La Fab Arts Centre: Members’ Christmas Art Show

Christmas at La Fab artwork by Renée Carrier.

Christmas at La Fab artwork by Renée Carrier.

Dates: November 24 to December 30
Time: Vernissage on Saturday, November 24, from 4pm to 8pm; for La Fab’s varied opening times, check the centre’s website
Where: La Fab Arts Centre, 212 Chemin Old Chelsea, Chelsea, Quebec

With its heritage setting in a former 1890s rectory, this art centre is funky and cool. Enter from the porch. On your left, a boutique sells members’ creations. To the right, in the gallery space, you’ll find the latest exhibition. The annual members’ Christmas show is always remarkable for its variety of themes and artistic media.

Also, note that La Fab is participating in Chelsea’s Magical Christmas festivities (see below). Specifically, on December 2, La Fab is hosting an outdoor Christmas art market where children will meet Santa Claus and attend the lighting of the large spruce tree in the front garden.

A Magical Christmas in Chelsea

Date: December 1, 8:30am to 7pm; Dec 2, 8am to 5pm
Where: Throughout the Municipality of Chelsea, Quebec

This annual family-friendly event brings the magic of the season to the village of Chelsea, with skating, concerts, a tree illumination and more.

Pine Lodge Christmas Market

From beautiful bound books to pottery Christmas decorations, to mugs, vases and more, artist Valerie Bridgeman will intrigue you at the Pine Lodge Christmas Market. Photo by Valerie Bridgeman.

From beautiful bound books to Christmas decorations, mugs, vases and more, artist Valerie Bridgeman’s works will intrigue you at the Pine Lodge Christmas Market. Photo by Valerie Bridgeman.

Date: Saturday, November 24
Time: 10am to 4pm
Where: Pine Lodge, 6 Pine Lodge Road, Bristol, Quebec

The seventh annual Christmas Market features more than 50 local craftspeople and artists selling their works. Free refreshments and admission. Pine Lodge is a 1930s-picturesque lodge; check out images on Facebook.

Wakefield Christmas Market

Wakefield Christmas Market: vendors and cozy bonfires await you. Photo by Jess Milne Harris.

Wakefield Christmas Market: vendors and cozy bonfires await you. Photo by Jess Milne Harris.

Date: Saturday, December 8
Time: 2pm to 7pm
Where: Centre Wakefield La Pêche, 38 chemin de la Vallée de Wakefield, Wakefield, Quebec

With 70 vendors, as well as musicians and bonfires, this outdoor market will get you firmly in the mood for Christmas. The market is all on one level, so it’s accessible for wheelchairs and strollers. Organizers encourage visitors to bring a toy to donate to Toy Mountain and canned food to donate to the Food Bank. Check website for all the wonderful activities, which include horse-drawn carriage rides and the chance to make ‘smores around a campfire.

Artist Open House in Wakefield (no website)

Jennifer Bennett's blown glass olive oil bottles. Photo by Carol-Ann McColgan.

Jennifer Bennett’s blown glass olive oil bottles. Photo by Carol-Ann McColgan.

Date: December 8 and 9
Time: 10am to 5pm
Where: Home of Glen Foster, 16 chemin de la Chanterelle (formerly chemin Fleury) off Rockhurst, Wakefield, Quebec

At this open house, Glen Foster (fine furniture), Anne Swiderski (painting), and Jennifer Bennett (blown glass) are showing their artwork. Linger on Saturday from 5pm to 7pm to enjoy a hot meal as part of the vernissage. Like home concerts, these open houses at artists’ homes are wonderful events where you can really get to know the various artists.

Ontario artsy events

Carp: Lots to discover!

Carp is readily accessible from both sides of the Ottawa River. Quebeckers can take the Quyon Ferry, which is expected to operate until at least December 2 this year (check the website for dates.)

One of several of WCAS member Catherine Gutsche's abstract paintings hanging at Alice's Village Café in Carp. Photo by Catherine Gutsche.

One of several of WCAS member Catherine Gutsche’s abstract paintings hanging at Alice’s Village Café in Carp. Photo by Catherine Gutsche.

Once in the village, you can enjoy Cajun food at the Juke Joint Soul Kitchen or home-style comfort-food meals and goodies at Alice’s Village Café (artist Catherine Gutsche has a solo show at Alice’s until the end of December). Both establishments have an ongoing arrangement with the West Carleton Arts Society (WCAS) to show members’ artworks.

They aren’t the only local businesses to support the arts group. “WCAS is very appreciative of the display opportunities in Carp,” said WCAS president and artist Karen Wynne Mackay “It’s a two-way street:  the community supports us and we support the community. This is a win-win for everyone!” Other venues that frequently showcase works by WCAS members include KIN Vineyards, the Carp Library, the West Carleton Family Health Team and Moonstones Gallery and Marketplace.

Here are some of the many pre-Christmas artsy events happening in Carp.

Carp Christmas Craft Sale

Date: Saturday, November 17
Time: 9am to 3pm (so there’s plenty of time to visit Carp and see Jelly Massee’s show, mentioned above!)
Where: Carp Agricultural Hall, 3790 Carp Road, Carp, Ontario

This annual fundraiser for the West Carleton Food Access Centre boasts many local artists’ and artisans’ works—plus, the fairground’s octagonal hall is an Ottawa Valley architectural treasure.

Carp Farmers’ Christmas Market

Date: November 30 and December 1
Time: November 30, 3pm to 8pm; December 1, 8am to 2pm
Where: Carp Agricultural Fairgrounds, 3790 Carp Road, Carp, Ontario

Yes, you’ll find delicious produce grown by local farmers. However, you’ll also find Santa, and several artisans selling their crafts.

$100 & Under Christmas Arts and Crafts Sale

Christmas Arts and Crafts Sale in Carp

One of Katharine Fletcher’s mixed media paintings, Enchanted Meadow #5, will be on sale at the WCAS $100 & Under Christmas Arts and Crafts Sale in Carp. Photo by Katharine Fletcher.

Dates: November 30 to December 2
Times: November 30, 2pm to 8pm; December 1, 9am to 5pm; December 2, 11am to 4pm
Where: St. Paul’s United Church, 3760 Carp Road, Carp, Ontario

What a terrific idea: an art show where prices are manageable for most pocketbooks. You’ll find everything from paintings and pottery to jewellery, painted ceramics, photography and more.

St. Paul’s United Church “Festive Fair” (no website)

Date: Saturday, December 1
Time: 9am to 1pm
Where: St. Paul’s United Church, 3760 Carp Road, Carp, Ontario

At the same location as the above-mentioned $100 and under sale, this annual church bazaar sells such treats as frozen tourtières and other Christmas baking, preserves, crafts and knitted items.


Merrickville’s Christmas Makers Market at MUAC

Dates: Saturday, November 24, and Saturday, December 8
Time: 9am to 4pm (both days)
Where: Merrickville United Arts Centre, 100 St Lawrence Street, Merrickville, Ontario

This show takes place in the architecturally stunning Merrickville United Arts Centre (a United Church). Designer and seamstress Laura Jean Starkey is the visionary who organizes this event, which features potters, 2D and 3D artists, a seamstress, foodies, musicians, writers, wood turners, jewellers, recycled home decor artists and more. “It’s more than a show, because we all work so hard at what we do,” says Starkey. “We support each other and are becoming a makers family.”

Share your favourite artsy events

As I mentioned above, it’s impossible to include all the shows! Check out Ottawa Road Trips’ extensive list of Christmas art and craft sales, and let us know with a comment on either post if we’ve missed one of your favourites.

Katharine Fletcher is a freelance writer, author, and visual artist. Along with many other artists, she is participating in three of the above shows: Jelly Massee & Friends, $100 & Under, and the show at La Fab. Discover her books at katharinefletcher.com. You can also view her art on her Facebook page.

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