Home Trivia Trivia quiz #17: Stetson hats, nuts and Sir Galahad

Trivia quiz #17: Stetson hats, nuts and Sir Galahad

by Laura Byrne Paquet

How well do you know Ontario, Quebec and New York state? Test your trivia smarts with this week’s local travel quiz. (Click the link in each question for a clue.) And if you like this game, here’s a roundup of all the previous quizzes—enough trivia fun to keep you amused for hours!

Question #1: Basketball and art

What is the name of the Almonte museum dedicated to artist R. Tait McKenzie and basketball inventor James Naismith, which re-opened to the public in late June?

Question #2: A hero’s memorial

This statue of Sir Galahad stands in a prime location in front of Parliament Hill. It honours a man who drowned in the Ottawa River in 1901, while trying to rescue a friend who had fallen through the ice. What was his name?

Question #3: Hit the beach

Photo courtesy of the National Capital Commission

What park in the Outaouais is home to six beaches, including O’Brien, Blanchet and Breton?

Question #4: An historic market

In what Eastern Ontario city will you find the province’s oldest public market?

Question #5: Manufacturing powerhouse

What Eastern Ontario city was once home to companies that made cars, frying pans and Stetson hats?

Question #6: Islands and trails

In what national park, one of Canada’s smallest, can you hike along seven kilometres of trails at Landon Bay or paddle among lots of tiny islands?

Question #7: Art and coffee

Artist Joanne Sylvestre paints one of her colourful abstract paintings on the front veranda of Galerie dart Riverside Photo by Katharine Fletcher

In what Outaouais community can you browse in the Galerie d’Art Riverside and then sip a coffee in the gallery’s pretty garden?

Question #8: Historic airplane

FlickrCreative Commons photo by <a rel=noreferrer noopener href=httpswwwflickrcomphotosdougtone5811043591inphotolist 9Rv7NK 9Rv7jR 9RxZDC 9Ry165 9Rv7yn 9Rv7tT 9Ry115 22EKQJh 22EKQBo 22EKQxf KDKwEF MXNf9w QPYnHW 8GjzGR 9RxZwq 9Rv7oX 9RxZP1 Xr6k8o YrSKu9 Y6V9Ju uLWvb wwxr7h 8yCgzX 3a4HLW 3aoN5u abNUxW ddrvca 3aoN5d oQ1i5r a4ZjZZ 3aoN5f MkkhME 2bBcnUE dXMmQH MD6xq5 a91HDt LREz61 Mn9HJu dDVmJj LREAaW MEcdkK a9TxnD mhnV4F 224R7TT fZMXJg dfXLrr kVxsuK 2eq7kzt ksYcjr LREC7w target= blank>Doug Kerr<a>

In what Eastern Ontario city can you take a self-guided walking tour (online or in person) that includes a monument to the Canadair T-133 Silver Star airplane?

Question #9: Throwing money away

What was the nickname of rich businessman Harry McLean, who reportedly amused himself by tossing money out the window of his office in Merrickville to enrich passersby below?

Question #10: Go nuts in Kars

Photo by <a href=httpsunsplashcomemilianovittoriosiutm source=unsplashutm medium=referralutm content=creditCopyText target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Emiliano Vittoriosi<a> on <a href=httpsunsplashcomsphotoswalnututm source=unsplashutm medium=referralutm content=creditCopyText target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>Unsplash<a>

What is the name of the location inside Baxter Conservation Area in Kars where you can see more than 100 different types of nut trees and bean plants, including walnut, hickory and beech trees?

And here are the answers!

  1. Mill of Kintail Museum
  2. Henry Albert Harper
  3. Gatineau Park
  4. Kingston
  5. Brockville
  6. Thousand Islands National Park
  7. Wakefield
  8. Cornwall
  9. Big Pants
  10. Filmore Park Nut Grove

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