Home Events 12 ideas for fun this week: Easter egg hunts, online art shows, cycling and cider

12 ideas for fun this week: Easter egg hunts, online art shows, cycling and cider

by Laura Byrne Paquet

Ontario’s back in the grey zone and Gatineau’s back in the red zone, so this week’s “road trip” roundup will be short, sweet and largely virtual. But don’t despair, my friends! There are still things we can do to have fun, support our local businesses and institutions, and explore our region—if only from our devices.

I do have a few “real world” suggestions as well, and you know what I’m going to say about those: Stay in your region, keep your social distance and don’t go out if you feel sick. (Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve typed a variation on that sentence this year, I’d be rich! But I really can’t emphasize it enough.)

Enjoy the long weekend, and for those who celebrate, Happy Easter!

Learn about the EU and hunt for Easter art on an Ottawa walk

Reader Margaret Lavictoire just alerted me to a very cool-looking smartphone app. EU: On the go in Ottawa is available in the Apple and Google Play app stores and helps you discover sites around the city associated with European nations. It seems like a fun way to enjoy a socially distanced walk around town. In the video above, Germany’s ambassador to Canada, Sabine Sparwasser, tells you a little more about it.

And a bonus this weekend: You can use the app to search for tiny pieces of Easter-themed art hidden outdoors around the city during the Great German-Canadian Street Art Miniature Easter Egg Hunt (April 4 and 5). Created by street artist SAM (Street Art Miniature), these dime-sized works are incredibly detailed. Check out SAM’s Instagram feed to see examples of other pieces.

Shop for cider in Bristol

Coronation Hall Cider Mills in Bristol, Quebec, is opening for the season on Saturday, April 3. You can shop for cider, pies, apple salsa and more in their newly renovated boutique.

Order takeout

Pop that takeout onto a pretty plate when you get it home

Even though we all knew that new restrictions were coming, the unexpected ban on restaurant patios still came as a bit of a shock to many people (myself included). As a result, restaurateurs are now looking despairingly at kitchens filled with perishable ingredients they’d hoped to serve to outdoor patrons over the holiday break. So this would be an ideal weekend to order takeout from your favourite pub or bistro. If you usually celebrate Easter with a turkey or ham, why not try butter chicken or burgers instead?

P.S.: The big-name delivery apps take a big bite out of restaurants’ profits. If you can pick up your order instead, that helps the restaurant a lot. In Ottawa, you also have a better delivery option: Love Local Delivery, which charges small fees that ensure restaurants and drivers get a fair shake.

Go for a bike ride

My Aylmer ride with Escape Bicycle Tours in pre pandemic days

With the forecast showing spring-like, double-digit temperatures and sunshine this weekend, it’s the perfect time to inflate those tires, grease that chain and get your bike out on the road. Looking for ideas for routes? This week, I stumbled on the website of the Ottawa Valley Cycling and Active Transportation Alliance, which has a whole page of suggestions for bike routes in and around Ottawa, Renfrew, Eganville, Petawawa and many other places.

Don’t have a bike? No problem! Ottawa-based Escape Bicycle Tours will happily rent you one for a self-guided tour. Owner Maria—who knows this region like the back of her hand—has mapped out all sorts of great routes. And for maximum independence, you can buy the company’s new Flex Card, which gives you 20 hours of rentals over the course of a year. You can choose from all sorts of bikes, including hybrids, mountain bikes and e-bikes.

Learn about (and buy from) local artists

FlickrCreative Commons photo by See ming Lee

This year, the West Carleton Art Society’s annual Spring Fling show and sale is going online. From April 5 to 18, you can see 60 pieces of art created by 33 local artists in a range of media, including watercolours, oils, acrylics, photography, glass, textiles and mixed media. If something catches your eye, you can buy it online.

The Merrickville Artists’ Guild has just released its 2021 guide to its members and their work. You can flip through the online booklet and contact the artists directly to learn more about their pieces and to buy items for socially distanced pickup or delivery.

La Fab Arts Centre in Chelsea has opened for the season with a new exhibition featuring eight of its member artists. The show runs until Sunday, April 18.

And the 100 Mile Arts Network has released the third and final episode of its Our Hidden Hills YouTube video series, profiling artists throughout the Gatineau Hills. Episode 1 focuses on the Pontiac, episode 2 on the Upper Gatineau Valley and episode 3 on the Lower Gatineau Valley. You can see them all for free on the group’s YouTube channel.

Make an Easter lantern with your kids

This month, the Vanier Museopark’s CreActivity Club is running a Facebook Live craft class on Saturday, April 3, at 10am. Participants will learn how to make an Easter lantern. The activity is free, but make sure to gather up the necessary supplies in advance. (Nothing too exotic is required.)

Hunt for Easter eggs near a waterfall in the Pontiac

long waterfall (Chutes Coulonge) surrounded by rocks and trees
Chutes Coulonge are at their gushiest in spring

Chutes Coulonge in the Pontiac region of the Outaouais opens for the season on Saturday, April 3. And the following day, Easter Sunday, there’s an outdoor holiday event for families, with an Easter egg hunt, face painting, bonfires and more.

Visit the Ottawa Farmers’ Market

The Ottawa Farmers’ Market is up and running on Sunday, April 4, from 10am to 3pm. Some four dozen vendors will be on hand, selling everything from South American-style arepas and Jamaican-style jerk sauce to cutting boards and kombucha.

And a final note…

Even though this Easter weekend may feel a lot more like Bill Murray’s life in Groundhog Day (if I suddenly hear “I’ve Got You Babe” on the radio, I am definitely going back to bed), there are still ways we can have fun safely. Hang in there, everyone. We’ve got this.

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